Spam Activity: Domain Registrars
Quarter over Quarter Comparison:
June 1,2024 - August 31,2024

For purposes of observing change over time, it is useful to compare measurements and metrics over successive reporting periods. Such comparisons illustrate whether spam activities are increasing or decreasing, and where such changes are occurring. Such comparisons can identify suspicious concentrations of spam domains reported in registrar domain portfolios, and can identify registrars where phishers flock to purchase and manage spam domains. Investigators or policy makers may focus on these for deeper analyses.

In the table below, we use the measurement reported spam domains to compare the rankings of registrars during the March 1, 2024 - May 31, 2024 period to the ranking for the June 1,2024 - August 31,2024 period.

Ranking of Domain Registrars by Spam Domains, Quarter over Quarter (June to August 2024)

Registrars with a minimum of 30,000 domains under management and 25 spam domains

Domains under Management Number of Spam Domains
Rank Registrar IANA ID March to May 2024 June to August 2024 March to May 2024 June to August 2024 ▼
1, LLC 146 65,879,894 65,666,123 (-0%) 186,556 300,163 (+61%)
2 Pte. Ltd. 1923 4,711,820 5,037,707 (+7%) 118,609 177,354 (+50%)
3 ▲ +2* Dynadot Inc 472 3,745,098 4,080,535 (+9%) 83,999 140,575 (+67%)
4 NameSilo, LLC 1479 4,609,175 4,591,413 (-0%) 90,712 134,800 (+49%)
5 ▼ -2 NameCheap, Inc. 1068 16,746,274 17,371,563 (+4%) 112,016 106,779 (-5%)
6 GMO Internet Group, Inc. d/b/a 49 5,420,266 5,708,225 (+5%) 52,718 89,119 (+69%)
7 ▲ +4 Spaceship, Inc. 3862 517,370 871,266 (+68%) 15,743 64,578 (+310%)
8 ▼ -1 URL Solutions, Inc. 1449 234,801 241,115 (+3%) 45,847 43,032 (-6%)
9 ▲ +7 Dominet (HK) Limited 3775 641,320 662,083 (+3%) 13,577 39,042 (+188%)
10 ▲ +90 TurnCommerce, Inc. DBA 1441 4,908,339 4,786,660 (-2%) 174 38,618 (+22,094%)
11 ▼ -3 PDR Ltd. d/b/a 303 4,262,123 4,263,680 (0%) 26,710 34,285 (+28%)
12 ▲ +3 Domain International Services Limited 3863 157,747 183,384 (+16%) 13,994 33,691 (+141%)
13 ▲ +8 Key-Systems, LLC 1345 689,679 752,290 (+9%) 10,559 32,727 (+210%)
14 ▲ +14 Wild West Domains, LLC 440 2,421,708 2,390,874 (-1%) 8,830 21,985 (+149%)
15 ▼ -3 Tucows Domains Inc. 69 10,042,234 10,024,270 (-0%) 15,691 20,620 (+31%)
16 ▲ +8, LLC 609 1,147,383 1,038,868 (-9%) 9,957 20,389 (+105%)
17 ▲ +5, Inc. 625 2,205,700 2,212,502 (0%) 10,221 17,582 (+72%)
18 ▲ +12 Porkbun LLC 1861 1,691,960 1,787,790 (+6%) 8,351 15,153 (+81%)
19 ▼ -1 Alibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina ( 1599 3,481,460 3,765,681 (+8%) 12,422 14,814 (+19%)
20 ▲ +39 Hongkong Kouming International Limited 3972 67,561 66,269 (-2%) 820 13,962 (+1,603%)

* Indicates change over prior quarter

Ranking of Domain Registrars by Spam Domain Score, Quarter over Quarter (June to August 2024)

Registrars with a minimum of 30,000 domains under management and 25 spam domains

Domains under Management Spam Domain Score
Rank Registrar IANA ID March to May 2024 June to August 2024 March to May 2024 June to August 2024 ▼
1 ▲ +4* CNOBIN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LIMITED 3254 51,344 45,198 (-12%) 561.3 2,197.4 (+291%)
2 ▲ +21 Hongkong Kouming International Limited 3972 67,561 66,269 (-2%) 121.4 2,106.9 (+1,636%)
3 Domain International Services Limited 3863 157,747 183,384 (+16%) 887.1 1,837.2 (+107%)
4 ▼ -3 URL Solutions, Inc. 1449 234,801 241,115 (+3%) 1,952.6 1,784.7 (-9%)
5 ▼ -3 NICENIC INTERNATIONAL GROUP CO., LIMITED 3765 107,797 123,274 (+14%) 932.7 743.7 (-20%)
6 ▲ +1 Spaceship, Inc. 3862 517,370 871,266 (+68%) 304.3 741.2 (+144%)
7 ▲ +8 Dominet (HK) Limited 3775 641,320 662,083 (+3%) 211.7 589.7 (+179%)
8 ▼ -4 Aceville Pte. Ltd. 3858 190,906 195,301 (+2%) 618.2 560.7 (-9%)
9 ▲ +10 Key-Systems, LLC 1345 689,679 752,290 (+9%) 153.1 435.0 (+184%)
10 ▼ -2 Pte. Ltd. 1923 4,711,820 5,037,707 (+7%) 251.7 352.1 (+40%)
11 ▲ +3 Dynadot Inc 472 3,745,098 4,080,535 (+9%) 224.3 344.5 (+54%)
12 ▲ +4 Cosmotown, Inc. 1509 311,519 302,659 (-3%) 201.2 306.9 (+52%)
13 ▲ +30 Jiangsu Bangning Science & technology Co. Ltd. 1469 259,792 221,564 (-15%) 46.7 294.2 (+530%)
14 ▲ +3 NameSilo, LLC 1479 4,609,175 4,591,413 (-0%) 196.8 293.6 (+49%)
15 ▲ +3 OwnRegistrar, Inc. 1250 500,892 390,037 (-22%) 186.9 286.1 (+53%)
16 ▼ -3 July Name Limited 3855 413,626 332,165 (-20%) 227.0 244.4 (+8%)
17 ▼ -6 MAT BAO CORPORATION 1586 201,257 217,437 (+8%) 232.0 238.7 (+3%)
18 ▲ +95 Metaregistrar BV 2288 257,101 270,877 (+5%) 6.6 237.0 (+3,507%)
19 ▲ +12, LLC 609 1,147,383 1,038,868 (-9%) 86.8 196.3 (+126%)
20 ▼ -14 Leascend Technology Co., Ltd. 1316 294,041 313,905 (+7%) 435.6 189.4 (-57%)

* Indicates change over prior quarter

Ranking of Domain Registrars by Malicious Domain Registrations, Quarter over Quarter (June to August 2024)

Registrars with a minimum of 30,000 domains under management and 25 spam domains

Domains under Management Malicious Domain Registrations
Rank Registrar IANA ID March to May 2024 June to August 2024 March to May 2024 June to August 2024 ▼
1, LLC 146 65,879,894 65,666,123 (-0%) 142,360 226,357 (+59%)
2 Pte. Ltd. 1923 4,711,820 5,037,707 (+7%) 79,035 128,605 (+63%)
3 Dynadot Inc 472 3,745,098 4,080,535 (+9%) 69,910 114,389 (+64%)
4 NameSilo, LLC 1479 4,609,175 4,591,413 (-0%) 55,207 69,814 (+26%)
5 ▲ +4* Spaceship, Inc. 3862 517,370 871,266 (+68%) 13,985 57,966 (+314%)
6 ▲ +1 GMO Internet Group, Inc. d/b/a 49 5,420,266 5,708,225 (+5%) 27,351 50,745 (+86%)
7 ▼ -2 NameCheap, Inc. 1068 16,746,274 17,371,563 (+4%) 48,806 47,206 (-3%)
8 ▼ -2 URL Solutions, Inc. 1449 234,801 241,115 (+3%) 35,110 33,930 (-3%)
9 ▲ +3 Key-Systems, LLC 1345 689,679 752,290 (+9%) 10,437 31,902 (+206%)
10 ▲ +4 Dominet (HK) Limited 3775 641,320 662,083 (+3%) 9,918 30,926 (+212%)
11 Domain International Services Limited 3863 157,747 183,384 (+16%) 11,963 28,260 (+136%)
12 ▼ -4 PDR Ltd. d/b/a 303 4,262,123 4,263,680 (0%) 15,445 22,137 (+43%)
13 ▲ +5 Wild West Domains, LLC 440 2,421,708 2,390,874 (-1%) 7,764 20,093 (+159%)
14 ▲ +5, LLC 609 1,147,383 1,038,868 (-9%) 7,510 15,779 (+110%)
15 ▲ +54 Hongkong Kouming International Limited 3972 67,561 66,269 (-2%) 185 13,195 (+7,032%)
16 ▲ +8, Inc. 625 2,205,700 2,212,502 (0%) 5,492 12,786 (+133%)
17 ▼ -4 Tucows Domains Inc. 69 10,042,234 10,024,270 (-0%) 9,981 12,392 (+24%)
18 ▲ +27 Cloudflare, Inc. 1910 1,463,829 1,667,494 (+14%) 1,130 10,087 (+793%)
19 ▲ +4 Porkbun LLC 1861 1,691,960 1,787,790 (+6%) 5,839 9,795 (+68%)
20 ▼ -10 Realtime Register B.V. 839 641,626 805,366 (+26%) 12,053 7,331 (-39%)

* Indicates change over prior quarter

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