Malware Activity: Key Statistics
Quarter over Quarter comparison: July 1,2022 - September 30,2022
Each reporting period, we analyze URLs, domain names, and IP addresses reported for serving up or distributing malware. We use these and other metadata — domain and IP address registration data, ICANN registry and registrar monthly reports, routing data, attack type, and other indicators — to report key statistics for each reporting period.
We compare number of domains reported for hosting malware in TLDs for two consecutive quarters in the table below.
Complete lists of Top-level Domains, gTLD registrars and hosting networks (ASNs) where malware was reported for the quarter can be downloaded in CSV format from the Records page.
Measurement | April to June 2022 | July to September 2022 | ChangeinMeasurement |
Total number of malware reports collected from feeds (per quarter) | 1,340,348 | 1,236,748 | -103,600 |
Total number of malware records produced from malware reports | 1,036,060 | 1,067,309 | 31,249 |
Endpoint malware (targets user-attended devices) | 52,511 | 87,845 | 35,334 |
Internet of Things (IoT) malware (targets sensors, wearables, appliances...) | 133,947 | 51,086 | -82,861 |
Malicious IP address malware records (Traffic Injectors and Attackware) | 787,963 | 885,854 | 97,891 |
Uncategorized malware (Verified as malware but not classified) | 61,639 | 42,524 | -19,115 |
Unique domain names reported for serving up malware | 29,956 | 23,814 | -6,142 |
Top-level Domains (TLDs) where we observed malware hosting | 352 | 294 | -58 |
Registrars that had gTLD domains under management reported for serving malware | 334 | 321 | -13 |
Hosting Networks (ASNs) where we observed malware hosting or distribution | 18,441 | 16,272 | -2,169 |
Unique IPv4 addresses reported as serving or distributing malware | 858,167 | 923,428 | 65,261 |
Quarterly Update: Key Statistics |
Quarter over Quarter: Key Statistics |
Quarter over Quarter: Top Level Domains |
Quarter over Quarter: Registrars |
Quarter over Quarter: Hosting Networks |