Malware Activity: Top-level Domains
Quarter over Quarter Comparison:
July 1, 2021 - September 30, 2021

For purposes of observing change over time, it is useful to compare measurements and metrics over successive reporting periods. Such comparisons illustrate whether malware activities are increasing or decreasing, and where such changes are occurring. Such comparisons can identify TLDs that are persistently abused or exploited to host malware. Investigators or policy makers may focus on these for deeper analyses.

In the table below, we compare number of domains reported for hosting malware in TLDs for the two consecutive quarters.

Ranking of TLDs by Malware Domains, Quarter over Quarter (July to September 2021)

TLDs with a minimum of 30,000 domains under management and 25 malware domains

Number of Malware Domains
Rank TLD April to June 2021 July to September 2021 ▼
1 com 8,026 12,418 (+55%)
2 ▲ +1* xyz 819 11,117 (+1,257%)
3 ▲ +2 net 630 861 (+37%)
4 buzz 666 659 (-1%)
5 ▲ +39 club 52 639 (+1,129%)
6 ▲ +2 top 391 570 (+46%)
7 ▼ -1 br 565 567 (+0%)
8 ▼ -1 org 467 512 (+10%)
9 ▼ -7 ru 997 495 (-50%)
10 ▲ +2 info 214 425 (+99%)
11 ▲ +16 biz 84 414 (+393%)
12 ▼ -3 in 351 348 (-1%)
13 ▲ +2 online 159 322 (+103%)
14 ▼ -3 cn 278 254 (-9%)
15 ▲ +24 cc 59 223 (+278%)
16 co 156 222 (+42%)
17 cloud 153 205 (+34%)
18 ▲ +4 id 91 202 (+122%)
19 ▼ -5 uk 171 193 (+13%)
20 ▲ +9 us 82 174 (+112%)

Quarter over Quarter Comparisons of:

Key Statistics

Activity in TLDs

Activity in Domain Registrars

Activity in Hosting Networks (ASNs)