Malware Activity: Domain Registrars
Quarter over Quarter Comparison April 1,2024 - June 30,2024

For purposes of observing change over time, it is useful to compare measurements and metrics over successive reporting periods. Such comparisons illustrate whether malware activities are increasing or decreasing, and where such changes are occurring. Such comparisons can identify registrars where malware attackers flock to purchase and manage malware domains. Investigators or policy makers may focus on these for deeper analyses.

Complete lists of Top-level Domains, gTLD registrars and hosting networks (ASNs) where malware was reported for the quarter can be downloaded in CSV format from the Records page.

In the table below, we compare the number of domains reported for hosting malware under management at domain registrars for two consecutive quarters.

Ranking of Domain Registrars by Malware Domains, Quarter over Quarter (April to June 2024)

Registrars with a minimum of 30,000 domains under management and 25 malware domains

Total Malware Domains
Rank Registrar IANA ID January to March 2024 April to June 2024 ▼
1 ▲ +44* Stichting Registrar of Last Resort Foundation 2482 300 8,672 (+2,791%)
2 NameCheap, Inc. 1068 15,540 2,206 (-86%)
3 ▲ +7 Dynadot Inc 472 3,551 1,907 (-46%)
4, LLC 146 10,356 1,821 (-82%)
5 ▲ +18 eNom, LLC 48 864 1,279 (+48%)
6 NameSilo, LLC 1479 6,044 959 (-84%)
7 PDR Ltd. d/b/a 303 5,837 945 (-84%)
8 ▲ +14 CommuniGal Communication Ltd. 418 914 726 (-21%)
9 ▼ -4 HOSTINGER operations, UAB 1636 7,584 628 (-92%)
10 ▲ +33 Spaceship, Inc. 3862 316 434 (+37%)
11 ▲ +44 Arsys Internet, S.L. dba NICLINE.COM 379 201 370 (+84%)
12 Tucows Domains Inc. 69 1,922 364 (-81%)
13 ▲ +23 URL Solutions, Inc. 1449 451 278 (-38%)
14 ▲ +1 Squarespace Domains II LLC 895 1,374 246 (-82%)
15 ▼ -14 Pte. Ltd. 1923 24,726 228 (-99%)
16 ▲ +4 GMO Internet Group, Inc. d/b/a 49 986 219 (-78%)
17 ▼ -3 Network Solutions, LLC 2 1,445 215 (-85%)
18 ▼ -1 Key-Systems GmbH 269 1,247 203 (-84%)
19 ▼ -11 Hosting Concepts B.V. d/b/a 1647 3,898 171 (-96%)
20 ▼ -7 Alibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina ( 1599 1,588 169 (-89%)

* Indicates change over prior quarter

Quarterly Update:
Quarter over Quarter:
Key Statistics
Quarter over Quarter:
Top Level Domains
Quarter over Quarter:
Quarter over Quarter:
Hosting Networks